What have we accomplished over the past 10 months? Re-establishing ourselves entirely, endless practices, booking our own shows, helping out a few outstanding charities, making mitten music connections with the help of one stellar individual (Steve Boyce), two photo shoots, getting our website established and launched… all of which has lead us to one of the most important things we will ever do: our Indiegogo campaign and preparation for our first full-length album.
The campaign is over now (thank sweet baby Jesus) and we need to reiterate to you just how incredible your participation has been in getting us set up for this huge event. Those of you that contributed? You have literally helped make our dreams come true. I don’t know what kind of value you put on such a thing, but I think it’s pretty safe to say that something of this nature and extreme is priceless. When we needed you, you showed up, and there isn’t a way to properly thank you for your support. You have given us the greatest gift. You have allowed us to be in control of our music, our creative decisions, our time, our ideas. We have the freedom to do what we want, how we want, when we want. And in the music industry, that truly is the greatest gift of all.
As for what you get in return?
- Hopefully a really sweet perk that you picked from our Indiegogo campaign (i.e. t-shirt, flask, signed copy of the album once it’s pressed, painting, video, etc.)
- Our relentless effort to produce the best acoustic-indie-pop album that Jane of Arc is capable of. This is our most important gift to you.
- Our undying love and affection. Forever. We. Will. Never. Forget. You.
- Consistent updates on what we’re doing, where we are, and how to stay connected during the process of our album-making experience. We plan to bombard you with lots of pictures, videos and silly posts (on EVERY social media site possible) to entertain you along the way.
Those of you waiting on a pressed copy of the album are in it for the long haul. Those won’t be ready until (we’re guessing) late March/early April – though if it’s possible to have them sooner, then we’re going to do everything in our power to make it happen for you. Flasks, t-shirts, paintings, videos? We should have all of that to you in the next couple of months (you might even catch us putting together some of your masterpiece paintings in the studio) and at the very latest, March.
We are intensely focused on tracking for the album right now, which means we’re basically recording all of the songs on the album with full instrumentation prior to heading into the studio for the real thing so that we’re as organized and prepared as humanly possible. Click tracks and spreadsheets and Garageband, oh my! I’ve had more than a handful of you ask me recently when our next show is. With a big sigh I’ve said, “Not anytime soon.” The album is #1 on our priority list right now and splitting our time between tracking and practicing for shows right now simply isn’t an option. But don’t you worry your pretty little head over it, we will be back and hitting the stage for an album release as soon as the thing is pressed and ready. And we CAN’T WAIT!
So… 2014. Whatchoo got for us?
I’ll tell you what our plans are. Recording, producing and pressing our album, an album release, submitting our album for review, sending the album to every college radio station in Michigan amongst other entertainment avenues flooding with opportunity. Lots of events. Multiple PRIDE’s. And a tour this summer ::fingers crossed::.
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